Please will you help ensure our First Responders have the training and PPE they need to save lives?

Our First Responders give their time and put their lives on the line in the service of humanity. Earlier in the year they provided our firefighters with vital first aid and recently they’ve been playing a leading role in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. But today, they
need your help.

​​​​​​​Training and equipping each and every First Responder with gloves, masks, eye goggles, protective gowns—just some of the items they need—costs in excess of $375.

Our work has never been more important—but funding it has never been more challenging. Our income has been significantly impacted by COVID-19 with many large gatherings cancelled and first aid training limited.

That’s why we urgently need your help to make sure our First Responders can continue to respond to emergencies, wherever and whenever they’re needed.

Please give now, so our heroes in green are protected and prepared to save lives.









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Please will you help ensure our First Responders have the equipment and PPE they need to save lives?

St John Ambulance First Responders give their time and put their lives on the line in the service of humanity. 

Across Victoria, they've been playing a leading role in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. But today, they need your help.

Please give now, so our heroes in green are protected and prepared to save lives.

  • $25 can go towards equipping our First Responders with gloves to allow them to safely perform their lifesaving work without skin-to-skin contact.
  • $50 can help provide surgical masks for our First Responders ensuring they are safe from airborne contaminants.
  • $100 can go towards providing ten First Responders with medical eye goggles to assist with infection control.
  • $185 can provide First Responders with protective gowns helping to prevent disease transmission.

Our work has never been more important—but funding it has never been more challenging. All our income from providing medical cover at public events and offering first aid training has disappeared.

That’s why we urgently need your help to provide our teams with PPE and updated training.

Please give now to help our First Responders stay safe so they can continue to respond to emergencies, wherever and whenever they’re needed.

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